Commercial Real Estate in Burbank

List of Commercial properties that sold recently

  • 3108 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank. Sold price $1,650,000. Building size 1,925 sq feet. Lot size 2672. Sold date 8/2/2024
  • 3400,3404,3408 W. Victory Blvd, Burbank 91505. Sold price $3,315,200. Building size 5,328 sq feet. Lot size 10,488 sq feet. Sold date 7/24/2024
  • 4301 W Riverside Drive, Burbank. Sold price $3,900,000. Building size 13,152 sq feet. Lot size 19,019. Sold date 2/20/2024. Restaurant & parking lot (2 lots).
  • 3108 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank 91505. Sold price $1,660,000. Building size 1,925 sq feet. Lot size 2,672. Sold date 08/02/24

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